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This repo is inspired by Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform.

This project includes the following components:


Setup cluster

Run the following command to set up the cluster

export environment=dev
# Initialize Terraform workspace
terraform init -backend-config=environments/${environment}/
# Review the planned actions before continuing
terraform apply --var-file=environments/${environment}/${environment}.tfvars
# Configure kubectl
aws eks --region $(terraform output -raw region) update-kubeconfig --name $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)

Destroy cluster

terraform apply -destroy -var-file=environments/${environment}/${environment}.tfvars

Fix this error

Doc for enabling this add-on is on this page: It appears that this particular add-on is currently disabled and the blueprint docs have yet to be (annoyingly) corrected. Here is the closed issue:

Error: Unsupported argument
 on line 23, in module "eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons":
 23:   enable_kube_state_metrics           = true
 An argument named "enable_kube_state_metrics" is not expected here.
